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立信MAud讲坛(第12期)——Theodore Chen:Accounting Education Reform in the United States

发布日期:2014-05-27 10:49:36   作者:立信会计学院

主 题:Accounting Education Reform in the United States: An AnalysisofTri-partite Perceptions in Hong Kong

主讲人:Prof. Theodore (Ted) Chen

Head of Department of Accounting,Hong Kong Shue Yan University

时 间:2014年5月28日(周三)下午15:00

地 点:3DM36






    Theodore T. Y. Chen is Professor and Head of DepartmentofAccounting at Hong Kong Shue Yan University. Having received his degrees from McGill University (B.Com.),theUniversity of British Columbia (M.B.A.) and the University ofHongKong (Ph.D), he has taught at the University of BritishColumbia,Simon Fraser University and Trinity Western University inCanada. He has contributed to international academic refereed as wellaspractice journals. In 2003, Chen was honored by the Certified ManagementAccountantsSociety of Canada as a Fellow and by the AssociationofInternational Accountants in the United Kingdom as anhonoraryfellow member for his international contribution to theaccountingprofession. In 2010, he was honored by the Certified Management AccountantsinAustralia as a Foundation Member in Hong Kong. As a practicing Certified Management Accountant in Canada, heisalso a Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Directors.

    Aside from being an academic, Chen has served on variouscommitteesand boards of professional accounting bodies in Hong KongandCanada as well as providing consultancy services to a varietyofindustries. He has held middle to senior management positions in a spectrumofCanadian industries, including retail and distribution,automotivemanufacturing, oil, forest, banking, insurance, realestate andpublic practice.